What Not To Do With A Rewards Program

Having a rewards program may be the best choice for your business, as it creates an incentive for the customer to return, however, this strategy is not foolproof. Consumers can often be repelled by these offers because they are an everyday nuisance or brings no benefit to them. The ‘seven deadly sins of loyalty marketing’, (as described in this article:
7 Deadly Sins), are the important factors in the failure of a rewards program, and by focusing on a few key points, customers will be more likely to join the program.

The first mistake is to base your program solely on discounts. Your goal is to form a strong relationship with your customer and should ultimately create a strong bond Discounts do not show that you value them. When creating incentives, the focus should be on giving the customer something that shows appreciation, something that is tailored specifically for them. TapMango can create a wide array of rewards, not necessarily discount. They can be as personalized as you’d like, which can create that bond between consumer and business. With TapMango, the relationship with the customer is the most important thing.

Some loyalty programs can be too complex, for both the customer and the worker who is operating the system. The customer will not be attracted to a complicated-looking device, as opposed to a clean, easy configuration. Likewise, workers will not be able to offer the program to the customer if they cannot use it in its complexity. For the clean and simple system, TapMango takes the complexity out of the equation. The system is completely set up and easy to operate, and the simple, elegant design is appealing to customers’ eyes. Consumers use their mobile phones to interact with the programs, and nowadays technology has been so well-incorporated into everyday life that this program is not out of place.

Another important point is to keep in mind that customers want to be rewarded for their current actions, not something they might buy in the future. Considering this will help the consumer accept the loyalty program into their everyday life, and be rewarded for things that they have accomplished. This incorporates into TapMango’s system by sending out rewards that tailor to each person’s action, not as a whole. Consumers can also be rewarded for simply visiting the store and signing up, or referring a friend. This will help you to really connect with your customer on a personal level. Rewarding their actions as they happen, create the strong bond necessary for a healthy consumer-business relationship.